Friday, December 5, 2008

34 again

So apparently I'm 34 THIS year...seems Ive been thinking I was already 34 so that was a nice surprise to me! =) Just goes to show you once you pass 30...WHO CARES! Since my big day was on Thanksgiving this year we celebrated the day before at El Portons in Yakima with the fam! It was fun and I was even serenaded by the waiters who so kindly made me wear a ginormous sombrero! Good times!

I LOVED all of the homemade cards I got from the kids and Jay this year!


Jaxon wanted to know why they sang "Happy Bird day dear Header"...

Fried Ice Cream that was passed down to the kid side of the table and was gone in about 3 seconds! PARANAS!

The Heathers!

My Norma-ama!

The kids!


Bridgette said...

How funny you thought you were 34 already!!

I guess we should get Levi a job at El Portons...he would fit right in with his accent.:)