Friday, May 22, 2009

End of the school year

Wow! It has been a while! Ive missed some things the last few months and just decided it would be better to start fresh than to try and go back and upload all of those pictures! This is mostly for my mom cause I don't think anyone else really checks this! =)

Anyway, this was the last week for school for Jaxon and Kenna. Other than ERB testing, they had a good time. Yesterday was the Epilogos (or the conclusion if you don't know Latin...I don't) for the 4th, 5th & 6th grades. Its actually an awards ceremony for those kids who excelled this year. As much as they would love to award every kid there just wasn't time for it so they awarded those with the highest achievements. To our surprise Jaxon received 3 different awards! I was shocked and in tears! I know he's a great kid and he works really hard but this school is full of smarty pants so you never know! These are the awards that he received:

1. For making the Headmasters List with a grade point average between 3.5 & 3.78
2. He received an award from his teacher for being one of the most diligent students through out the year
3. And he received the National Physical Fitness Award! (which was the only one that didn't totally surprise me since he is the 2nd fasted kid in the 4th-6th grade! He ran the mile in 6.58 min.)

We were so proud of him! After the Epilogos we headed to a park in Meridian and had a big picnic with the families of Foundations. Jaxon played soccer (of course), Kenna took the little boys on the giant blow up slide that was there about 15 times! She's such a good big sister! We are so so so proud of Kenna this year too. She worked so hard in school this year and she is moving on to the 2nd grade!!! Way to go Kenna! I just know that when you get to go to Epilogos, you'll get awards too!

Here is Jaxon receiving the NPFA award!
Proud Daddy!

Proud Mama

Jeffrey and Jaxon- the two boys in the 4th grade to get the Diligence award! Way to go boys!

Here are all the awards that will be scrap booked shortly!

Cora & Kenna at the end of the year Pioneer Days party! This is Kenna's best school friend.

My little Prairie girl!

Wash those clothes....I told her she would have to wash her clothes by hand this summer if she didn't keep her room clean! hee hee!

Jaxon's end of the year party was a Middle Ages Theme! This is Jaxon's buddy Spencer who he also rode the 25 mile bike ride with!

Sir Jaxon Hughes!


MellieB said...

Congrats to Jaxon! Way to go. But we all know he is not only smart and active, but a hard worker and a wonderful young man. Nice job Jay & Heather. And yes, Heather, others check here for updates, not just your mom.....thanks for the little peaks into your life.

Shannon said...

Way to go Jaxon!! WOW! That's impressive!

Lindley Family said...

I read your blog, Heather! There is never time at church to catch up so I feel like I can do so through your posts! :) Congrats Jaxon! Way to go!

The Timmons Family said...

Great job Jaxon and Kenna! What wonderful kids you neat to read about all their achievements! Way to go!

HMPhillips said...

Hey! I check your blog!

Bridgette said...

me too! me too!

April Moffatt said...

That's so great Jaxon!
As for your blog Ellie and Katy check it about every other day!

Mamo2ten said...

That's my grandkids!!! :) So proud of them both. Looks like the last few days of school were a blast - wish I could have been at the rewards ceremony - sure hope that video camera was going! And yes I do check this blog often - it's been a long time since Disney World - thanks for thinking of me!
Love you.

Kale Family News said...

I read your blog Lady Heather and am always so happy to see what's happening with the wonderful Hughes family. Congrats to Sir Jaxon on the award. Love, Kathe

Katie Eagy said...

I read your blog, my friend...when I have a computer. My sorry laptop is far away being repaired by non-English speaking folk so hopefully it will return soon!

I always love your photos and seeing your cute kids!!