Ive decided (and its taken me some time to think through this) that I don't like the term "Super Mom". For some reason Ive heard it a lot lately amongst Christian women and its got me thinkin'. Here are a few of my thoughts.
The pressure exhausts me and probably more now than ever. Ive tried to be super mom and reality is, there is just nothing super about me. I'm a sinner everyday and no matter what the outside looks like I need Jesus everyday if I'm going to make it through this life with joy. I don't find joy in throwing parties and having people comment about how fun it was, I find joy in knowing that people were able to fellowship with one another and build relationships. I don't find joy in running my kids all over the world, I find joy in watching them grow and learn and experience new things while given the opportunity to teach them about God in every aspect of life. I don't find joy in exercising, but I find joy in knowing that I'm taking care of myself so that I can be useful and be able to serve others. I don't find joy in cleaning my house but I do find joy in knowing that I am teaching my kids how to work and care for the things that the Lord has given us. Its not the visible act, its the heart attitude that only Jesus can give. What do I strive for? Man's praise or God's Glory? I know in my twisted heart that the first one jumps out way to often and yet my prayer is that in the end despite my sin God will get the glory for my life. Otherwise it was all in vain. That is what the Supermom title stands for in my eyes...vanity (and exhaustion...who can do that and not fall apart at some point...just sayin').
When I pass on to eternal life I don't want to go with a supermom symbol on my casket, I hope that people would know that I lived by God's great grace and that any accomplishments were not of my own doing, they were of a SUPER-NATURAL God.