Monday, December 17, 2007

Kids Christmas Program

This was a night greatly anticipated for my little girl. As the story goes, Kenna tried out for a singing part which she didn't get and was extremely devastated by, to later find out that the lady in charge loved her strong voice and wanted her to do a speaking part instead! She practiced for weeks! When it came time to perform it on stage in front of hundreds of people she beamed! My stomach was in knots for her, that she might forget her lines or something...but no, she spoke every word with clarity and didn't forget one! I was so proud of her! I asked her afterwards if she was nervous and she said "nope, not one smidgen". =) Here are pictures from the program. Jaxon sang with the choir as did Kenna. It was such a great night filled with sweet Christmas music sung by sweet little kids.

Here she is all dressed up for the night.

Where's Kenna?

This is the 1st & 2nd grade choir. Kenna is in the second row, second to the end on the right side of the picture.
Here she is! Way to go Kenna! Mommy & Daddy were so proud of you!

Jaxon with the 3rd & 4th grade choir

The Foundations Children's Choir
Proud mommy!
Crazy Aunt Bridge & Uncle Chad came to watch (and help take pictures!) Thanks for coming!
Jaxon said it felt "goooooooood" to take off his tie!


Phil, Gretch, and Finn said...

I bet Jaxon and Kenna did a great job. Nice pic of Bridge.

Bridgette said...

Excellent Job Kenna and Jaxon! I am so proud of you two!!

HMPhillips said...

man, kenna totally looks like you in the top picture!