Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Ty update!

Thanks to all of you who have been praying for my little guy. I can now say with confidence that he has turned a corner and is definitely doing better! Praise the Lord! He didn't have a fever today for the first time in 12 days, he wanted down off my lap and wanted to play cars, blocks, puzzles & basketball. And he asked for food with out me trying to offer it to him! Yippeeee! Even though he is feeling better he still has a way to go. His poor body has been through so much the last two weeks. He doesn't like to walk very far on his own because his now scrawny little legs (he's lost weight) shake when he tries to walk very far. But at least he is trying to get up and move around. He looks pretty pale but he had a huge smile on his face today...it made me cry with happiness like 3 times today! We'll probably just spend the next few days taking it easy so he can regain his full strength and not over do it (even though I still have a little more Christmas shopping to do!). So, again, thanks for the prayers and words of encouragement. They were all greatly appreciated!


HMPhillips said...

so, so, so glad to hear it!

Tara said...

What great news! I hope you're all back to normal real soon.

Katie Eagy said...

I hope he's still improving and gaining strength back again! Just in time to start celebrating Christmas! Blessings on your family, you've been through a lot lately!