Thursday, January 31, 2008

A Hacker?

Does anyone know what Webkinz are?

Let me tell you...

They are these little stuffed animals that you buy from Hallmark. They come with a secret code that allows you to "play" with your pet online. You take the secret code to register your pet, name your pet and then start playing with your pet. You create an ID and a password so only you can play with your pet. Then you can invite others who have Webkinz and you can play together. Jay calls it World of Warcraft for kids...its that addicting, at least for my kids.

Kenna has a golden retriever named Annie and plays Hudson's penguin which he named Doc Hudson.

Jaxon has a dalmation named "Spots" and plays Ty's chocolate lab named Brownie.

Now for the rest of the story....

Jaxon came in today and said " I got another Webkinz online."

"How did you do that?" I asked (thinking he won one playing webkin games)

"I just typed in some numbers in the registration box and it gave me another animal."

"Ummmm, I'm pretty sure you shouldn't do that" I said

Totally innocent he says "Why?"

Off I go explaining how just because you can "trick" the computer doesn't mean you should be able to take what isn't yours....Yadda Yadda know what else I said.

He looked horrified that he might be stealing someone elses Webkinz joy so he went back to his computer and didn't finish registering the non existant webkinz.

That' a boy! It is good to have a child who loves rules and obey's them....

I may not be so lucky with some of the others. =) hee hee


Tara said...

Oh, we know the joy of Webkinz! That is crazy that Jaxon was able to get another one just by typing in some numbers.

The Brown's said...

oh girl, i know exactly what your talking about! my sister-in-law bought the boys each one when we were in springfield, and they are hooked. they ask me before i go to bed if i'll put them to sleep or something, i'm not even getting involved in that one! ;) i wonder if our kids could get there wekins to play together, now that could be fun.