Saturday, February 28, 2009

How can it be that my baby is 3?

Time really does go by so fast. I even try to savor the moments....well most of them, but I just cant slow down time. We have always joked with our kids that when they turn 4 they just have to stay 4...we don't want them getting any older than that. Reality is hitting me that Ty will be 4 next year and that wont be funny anymore! I love 3 year olds and I look forward to all Ty will bring with his 3 year old verbiage. Almost everything they say and how they say it is funny and I eat it up!

Here are some pictures of my baby over the last 3 years...he gets cuter every year and I think he started off pretty darn cute!

Tyson Brady Hughes
Born February 28th 2006
8 lbs 13 oz
(1 week old)

Ty-ger age 1

Look at all that cuteness just ooozing out of him!

Ty Ty age 2!
Ty loves his family!

T-Y age 3

My little Tyson, Tyger, T Y (tee why), and Ty Ty....Buddy you make me smile everyday by just giving me your big tooth and gums smile. Its never a grin its always a full on cheese! I love you with all of my heart and oh how I wish I could slow down the clock. You want to be so big and I want you to stay so little. I think your winning cause you get bigger each day, your words become more clear, your sentences longer and your obedience better. I love how much you love your family...every single one of them is special to you. I cant imagine our family without you. The Lord knew what he was doing when he added you to our family...we need you to make us laugh to teach us patience and to make us whole. I so look forward to seeing how you grow and I pray that you would be all that the Lord would have you be. I hope that you will come to know Jesus at an early age and that you would show the world his love through your life and your bright smile. Jesus made you approachable with that big grin of yours and I hope one day when someone asks you what your so happy about, you will be able to tell them about Jesus! You will always be my baby no matter what! I love you Ty!

Here he is showing me how big he really is...he can hold up the 3 fingers...that's big stuff!


Katie Eagy said...

Heather, those pictures of Ty are so cute! Especially his 1 week old picture - he looks the same!! Most babies (at least to me) don't look much like their newborn pictures.

Ty sure is a handsome, sweet little guy! Happy Birthday!

HMPhillips said...

I can't believe he's three already...did my gifts ever get there?

Anyway, the main purpose of this comment is all about your hair in the picture of you and Ty together. I don't know what you've got going on there, but I think it looks fabulous!

Me and Grandpa Rog, always checking out how people look =P

Adam and Natalie said...

Awww, that made me teary! Happy Birthday Ty!