Monday, April 14, 2008

Happy Birthday a few days late...

This is the 11th birthday that I have celebrated with Jay and each year I am amazed at who he is despite the trials that he has gone through. This last year was no exception. He had more burdens on his shoulders than most at 35 years old and yet he handled it all with grace and dependence on the Lord. What an amazing privilege it is to be married to this man who loves the Lord with all his heart, who has made me his top priority, who cherishes each of his kids and after all of that, he has time for others. To care about others, to serve others, to be an example to those around him. He is always thinking of others before himself and he strives to live a life that shows God's grace. He isn't perfect (and he wouldn't want me to tell you he is) but he is perfect for me. In all my weaknesses (and there are a lot) Jay is the opposite and he never makes me feel like I am less than him. He is always encouraging me to seek the Lord in the area's that I struggle and I love him for this. He has taken the time to understand me (he should get the man of the year award for this one) and because he has done so he knows exactly how to lead me, care for me and help me grow. I love this man.
Happy Birthday are the man that far exceeds my dreams!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jay - You are everything Heather said in this blog -- we are so proud of you and blessed to be able to call you "our son"! We love you so much. We know this past year and half has been tough on you but you have handled it well because you turned to our Lord for your strength. May this year be full of Joy for you!
Love you,
Mom and Dad

Stacey said...

Hi Heather, your blog inspired me to give mine a "facelift" and add some music. I enjoy reading about your family. Your kids are darling! Would you like me to put a link to your blog on mine? I have a quite a few friends from NNU that read that may like to see what is going on with you and Jay.

Stacey said...

Hey Heather, great, I'll add you to my list. Mine is secure, so if someone is on your blog and clicks on the link to mine, I don't think they could see it unless I invited them. Enjoy the sun, I have windows open at my house-yippee!

Anonymous said...

Happy bday bro