Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Soccer + Huddy = cuteness

Hudson had his first soccer game this last Saturday and it was...cute. Huddy marches to his own beat so we were curious as to how this would go, but it was great! He LOVED playing soccer...for a while, but then he was ready to be's how the conversation went:

He comes out for a "break" after playing in one 5 minute quarter:

"Huddy, your doing so great!" says mommy
"I'm sad" said Huddy
"why are you sad?" mommy asks
"because I don't want to play soccer anymore" he says
"today?" Mommy asks
"No, never, ever" Huddy informs
"really? why's that?" mommy asks
"I'm so tired of this" (he went to a birthday party that morning and ate WAY to much candy which ruined the chance for a I bet he was tired!)

"why don't you rest this quarter and then I bet you'll be ready to go again" mommy tries to encourage

"no, I'm all done" He is saying this as the other Hudson on the team is screaming because he doesn't want to play...

I just sit back and wait to see what's going to happen.

The last quarter arrives and daddy comes over to see if he's ready...

"OK- I guess I'll play" he says

Phew! sometimes not pushing this kid is exactly what it takes to get him to do something. We'll be sure he gets a nap next game! =)

#5- just like Jaxon and Kenna were their first year of soccer!

4th quarter and daddy is giving Hudson the thumbs up for making it back into the game!
This is Hudson meeting the other Hudson during the middle of the game. "I'm Hudson", "No, I'm Hudson" (Pause) I guess we're both Hudson! They then proceeded to give each other a high 5!
This was the "break time" that was almost the end of his soccer career.


HMPhillips said...

phew, I am glad he decided to give it another shot! Those are some snazzy unies! That pic of Ty with his feet propped up on the ball is so darn cute I can hardly stand it =)

Bridgette said...

What a good mom you are H! I don't know if I could have done the same! I'm glad he decided to play again in the end!!:)

The Timmons Family said...

Hang in there Huddy! You're doing great!