Thursday, May 27, 2010

Training wheels are GONE!

I'm not sure how there was time for this major event in our lives this week, yet it happened right in the hustle and bustle of all the end of the school year activities....Ty Ty learned to ride his bike WITHOUT training wheels!  GO TY!  He literally learned in about 1 minutes was unbelievable!  He was so excited and the first thing he said when he got up this morning was that he wanted to go ride his bike.  So pretty much all day he's been out there perfecting his skills and I have to say...its IMPRESSIVE!

Comin' atcha Mom!

Flyin' by ya Mom!

See you later alligator!

I mean....really?  1 day?  What a little stud!

Ty is so proud of himself!  He was even more proud when we told him that his siblings didn't learn till they were almost 5 and he is only 4...that's a big deal!~

Seriously THE cutest 4 year old ALIVE!


April Moffatt said...

Way to GO Ty-Ty!

April Moffatt said...

P.S. As cute as your banner picture is, where's Jay? I think you need him in a family shot or else you He!He!

Bridgette said...

Yay Tyson!!!!