Tuesday, September 2, 2008

1st Day of School

I know, I know....they have been in school for a week and a half and I'm just now getting the pictures posted. Anyway...Here's how the day went:

6:00 am: my alarm goes off "Do I really have to get up this early? Where is Jay? Oh yeah...in Dallas"

6:30 am: Jaxon is up and ready to go...its like 3 months of summer never happened for him...how does he do that?

7:00 am: wake up the other 3 munchkins (notice the picture of Kenna below)

7:15 am: try and take a few pictures of Jaxon...it is the first day of school after all.

7:20 am: Jaxon informs me that we are going to be late for school because we are leaving 5 minutes later than daddy usually leaves...."well daddy's not here so we're leaving on mommy time, plus I'm a better driver"...all children agree.

7:45 am: we drop Jaxon off at school with 15 minutes to spare....see.

7:50-10:45 am: drive all the way back home, feed kids breakfast, turbo jam, take a shower, get ready, make a few calls.....almost forget to take a picture of Kenna, drop the little boys off at the Moffatt's.

11:15 am: eat a quick lunch in the car with Kenna, talk about how smart she is going to be this year!

11:30 am-1:30 pm: 1st grade orientation

1:30-2:15pm: visit with families we haven't seen over the summer and wait for Jaxon to be done with his first day in the 4th grade. Visit Jaxon's room to see where he gets to sit, Meet Mr. Daniel.

2:15-2:45pm: Making it through the first day of school celebration: Anything you want from Dairy Queen!!

2:50pm: pick up boys at Moffatt's (thanks April...your a life saver!)

3:15pm: Mom's gotta lay down!

4:00- 5:00 pm: feed Jaxon an early dinner before football practice, do a load of laundry, make a few phone calls.

Is it time for bed yet?

6:00pm: Feed the rest of the kids & myself dinner

6:45-7:15pm: read books to kids

7:45 pm: All are tucked into bed...except Jax...he's just getting home from football.

8:00-8:30pm: Feed Jaxon his second dinner & then he heads to bed!

8:45pm: Hot bath, good cry, I miss my husband!

9:15pm: sawing logs!

I really do prefer to do the first day of school with Jay...sorry for the lack of pictures. I cant DO everything, people! =)

Rise & Shine Sunshine!
Kenna at her desk
Jaxon with all his "supplies"
My big 4th grader!
Kenna loaded with her goodies too!


April Moffatt said...

I think I'm tired because I'm totally emmotional. When did Jaxon become a 4th grader? How did this happen so fast? They are really growing up, oh my word, I need to go to bed. I'm totally crying.

Bridgette said...

I think you did a nice job with pictures H!
So does Kenna start school at a different time or just that one day? Did she get to meet her teacher also? I love the pic of her in bed! Sleepy head!

Stacey said...

Brad was gone out of town on our kids' first day of school as well, so my day went a lot like yours. Only diffence is that I came back to a quiet and empty house and cried alll day long! Have a great day today.