Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Book of the Month

Ive been in a book club for 3 years now and it has been a really great thing for me. Since I don't love to read this has given me a deadline and others to hold me accountable. It started when the church we use to go to split and there were a few of us who wanted to stay connected but had chosen to go to different churches. Since then we have added and lost people but all in all we tend to have great discussions and its just a good time of being with the girls! This months book (LIES WOMEN BELIEVE and THE TRUTH THAT SETS THEM FREE) has been awesome. I am only half way through it but it has encouraged me and inspired me to live my life for the Lord with out believing lies about life (God, myself, sin..etc). I would HIGHLY recommend it if you are a believer and I would even recommend it to anyone who is searching for peace in their life. Really all women should read it. It will cause you to think good and hard about your purpose in life. If you do read it let me know. Id love to hear what you think. Also I think I'm going to list my book club books each month, so stay tuned for Septembers book!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE IT TOO! I read it a few months ago and I agree, it's a must read! I'm leading a bible study right now on a different book that is my all time favorite (Disciplines of a Godly Woman by Barbara Hughes) and I bring other books and resource each week that go with each chapter. Anyway, we've come up with a huge resource list that I'll email to you. You might enjoy seeing some of the books...but this one is on there. If you haven't done DOAGW yet, I would highly recommend it. Can't wait to see the list of your other book club books.
J Alderete