Thursday, August 23, 2007

8 Random Things About Me

I was tagged by Natalie to list 8 random things about here I go!
1. I once won a mud wrestling tournament...I was 17 and way stronger then(that's not saying much)...and more slippery than the rest. I was the smallest girl and beat 2 different girls to win it all. The first girl was only about 10lbs heavier than I was but the second girl was like 50 lbs heavier. She couldn't keep me down though...somehow I managed to slip out from under her every time she flipped me over. Its funny to parents still have the video for proof..or of the two.
2. 2 months after I went to college, I wanted to cut my hair REALLY short, so I went to one of those cheep hair cut places (that's all I could afford). I gave the lady a picture and came out looking like vanilla ice! It was horrible. My hair was actually touching the top of the truck that my friend had driven me there in. I cried the whole way home...put a shirt over my head to get into the dorm, showered immediately and for 3 hours tried to figure out how in the world I was going to style this hideous doo! I wouldn't even go to dinner that night I was so mortified!
3. Ive been tempted to get my nose pierced...I think its really cute...but someone I know said that age 30 was the cut off for noise I'm not going too. =)
4. If I couldn't have had kids I would have gone into interior design.
5. I dream about being on American Idol...but I think I'm too old for that too, so when I start to dream it, I try and change my dream to it being Kenna instead of myself. (she really wants to be on American Idol too!)
6. Whenever Jay rides off on his motorcycle I ALWAYS sing in my head (sometimes out loud)..."I wanna coo-ooo-ooo-ool rider, a coo-ooo-ooo-ool rider, if he's cool enough he can burn me through and through whooah. And if he taa-aa-aakes forever, than I'll waaa-aa-aait forever, no ordinary boy, no ordinary boy is gonna do, I want a rider that COOL." You'd have to have seen Grease 2 to understand.
7. Sometimes I break out my old Paula Abdul CD and Kenna & I dance around the living room... (Steph B...I know your singing "He's a cold hearted snake")
8. I have an addiction...Its a picture taking addiction. We just got back from Hawaii and I took 195 pictures in one week. HHHHEEEEEELLLLLPPPPPPP! And that's with my camera being out of service for a few days!


The Brown's said...

Oh Heather, we are so much alike it's not EVEN funny...not only was I singing along to "cool rider" cause you know I'm a Pink Lady, but when you said Paula Abdul, I about died!!!! :) ha ha haaaa!!!! Love it!

anthonyandbeth said...

you are so funny! the mud wrestling video would be a hoot to see and I would love to see a pic of the Vanilla Ice hair doo! Hilarious! I too am a picture taking freak! I just can't stop myself, and now that I'm blogging...well, I just feel like I need to capture EVERYTHING on case I want to blog about it later! It's an endless cycle for me! :)

Adam and Natalie said...

I second Beth on wanting to see the mud wrestling and bad haircut. Especially the haircut. I think I would've loved to study interior design too.

Anonymous said...

Funny Babe - several things I didn't even know about you!