Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The stories of Kauai continued....

This moment made me proud. Before we left for Hawaii Hudson wouldn't even put his face in our pool, but for some reason he got brave and decided to give it a whirl...and he didn't die! He even went out in the ocean and put his face under. Way to go Huddy Boy!

One of the sunsets that we saw.

Jay & Jaxon watching the surfers that were practically surfing into the rock!

This was the first morning we were there. We went and had a family breakfast together at the resort (mainly because we hadn't made it to Costco to get food yet.)

Happy to be in Hawaii with my Honey!

Sand castles were a big deal to Kenna. She would have built one everyday had a we let her.

She loved diggin down in the sand!

This is Jaxon on his way to snorkel with the 2 white Phillips men.

Jaxon and Kenna were both old enough to get out in the ocean and least to me. The only way I snorkeled was with Bridgette and Mom, on a boogie board with my face in the water. When a school of fish came right up near us...I freaked! Feet as high up in the air as they would go...OK so that was a little funny. But then it wasn't funny when the wind and waves started taking us out of the cove. B & I didn't have fins so mom had to do all the major kicking. And of course Bridgette is teasing my by saying things like "HEADLINES...3 snorkelers lost at sea." It took everything I had not to hyperventilate! When Bridge said she saw a snake, I kicked and paddled like my life depended on it. Can you tell? I don't really love the ocean...I love the look of the ocean but what's out there...terrifies me...and yes I know...God is in control (for those of you who are judging me right now) but I have a healthy fear of his greatness and he did create the ocean!

While Jaxon was out snorkeling with the guys, Kenna was at the pool making friends! I love this about my sweet girl. She loves people and people love her!

This is Kenna right after the Hula class she took. She loved it! She sang the song all week..."pearly shells, pearly shells, by the ocean...." and on and on.

This is Kenna trying to teach mommy how to hula...I was a great student!

Now this is a funny story...who is this? This is my friend Jennie from HIGH SCHOOL who I haven't seen in 3 years!! I was walking back to our room one afternoon and we almost ran right into each other! I couldn't believe it. She was there with her kids and cousin so we hung out by the pool that day and then later that night Jennie and I went out to catch up. It was her last day there. How great of God to let me run into my friend in Hawaii!

Boogie Boarding was another one of the fun activities that Jaxon and Kenna loved this trip. They both did a great job! Kenna would board until she had had one to many head dives into the sand...then she would drag her self onto the beach and build a sand castle!

Here she is...check out how she is holding her breath! Too funny!

This was the playground that was right outside our sliding door. It was perfect with the kids the ages that they were. Huddy especially loved it!

Hudson going up the slide...he does things his own way.

This is Spouting Horn...its not that neat...but we thought the kids would like it.

Here's my honey BBQ-ing steaks for us one night.

Family Photo


anthonyandbeth said...

Love it, Love it, Love it! I am totally with you on the ocean thing. If you read my tag post from Nat you'll see I'm still afraid of sharks to this day! Thank you Jaws! I can totally picture the whole thing and Bridge doing the teasing! Hilarious! Sounds like such fun and wonderful memories made! Isn't it great to get along well with family and be able to vacation together! A lot of families don't have that! We are SO blessed! :)

The Brown's said...

Looks like you guys had a blast...except for the plane rides :) Oh can't win 'em all. And that's Jennie who? I don't recognize her...

The Brown's said...

wait...Jennifer Ball?

Kale Family News said...

I loved all the pictures and the comments. You are so funny!!

If picture taking is a harmless addiction. You are quite the photographer and journalist.

God is so amazing to have given you the time, family, and resources to take such a memorable vacation as that and then to run into a long lost friend is the cherry on top of the whipped cream ice cream cake. I love food analogies. Love, Kathe

Stacey said...

It looks like you had a great vacation! Great blog!