Monday, August 27, 2007

The First Day of School

Up at 6:15
Breakfast at 7:00
Pictures at 7:15
In the car by 7:25
The time I got to spend with these two this summer was a time I will never get back. As I know they need to go to school to learn and to grow, I cant help but miss them so much. Sure there's a little more freedom, not as many people talking to me all day long, not as many needs to be met, but the first day of school always makes me realize how fast time goes by.
Jaxon & Kenna,
I pray that you would grow in the knowledge of the Lord, that you would act on what you know to be true, that you would grow to be more responsible. I pray that you would enjoy learning, enjoy your teachers, your classmates and your school. We know this is where the Lord wants you and we look forward to seeing how the Lord will grow you this year. You are both so unique and I pray that your strengths would be used and that you would grow in your weaknesses so that you would be balanced in life. I pray that you would take what we have taught you and that you would choose your friends wisely, that you would befriend those who don't have many friends, and that you would be a Christ like example in your class and a blessing to your teacher by putting others first. I love you both more than I could ever express.
I love seeing my kids all decked out in their little uniforms!

Kenna with her loads of school supplies for the first day of school.

Here's my little moo sitting in her big first grader desk! This year instead of 3 girls total in her class there are 11 girls! She gets to sit by 4 of them for the first quarter! I'm so excited for her to make new friends this year.

Here's my big 3rd grader sitting in his new desk.

They made it home! Both of them had a great day and loved their new teachers. Yippee!

We celebrated the first day of school by having warm chocolate chip cookies when they got home. As they sat and ate their cookies they told me all about their new classes. Kenna said she got poked in the eye with the American flag because the girl who was holding it was so excited about being line leader that she started swing it back and forth and accidentally hit Kenna in the eye! She said she didn't cry because she was so embarrassed that everyone was looking at her! She was laughing about it so I feel I can too! Jaxon was excited to show me his Bible Brain teaser that I couldn't even do! Its scary to think that my 3rd grader is smarter than I am!


HMPhillips said...

Man...first day of school, where did the summer go? They do look so snazzy in those uniforms. Jase starts preschool next wednesday, I can hardly believe it!

anthonyandbeth said...

they looks so grown up in their uniforms! I bet you are so proud! I think chocolate chip cookies was a fabulous idea for the first day of school! Glad they enjoyed themselves and their teachers!